Freelance/consulting for mechanical engineer, is there a market?Is it worth it?

Hello, I’ve been living in Sweden, Stockholm, for one year and half.

I’m an engineer, with 13 years experience in a industrial companies as mechanical designer/development, simulation and technical laboratory engineer, at the moment I’m working as an employee in a firm consulting company.

Reading the writings, I thought how exciting, fun and satisfying it could be to open my own consulting company and work as a freelancer, it wouldn’t be easy, I know, but why not, I’m wondering if it is time to think about it, maybe it is a time to gi ahead and do a step in the uncomfort zone.

I have always thought that the freelancer life is more suitable for an IT engineer, I’m not an IT engineer, I’m in the mechanical fields

Do you think is it affordable as a mechanical engineer to open your own consulting company? Is there enough market to be a freelance/consulting company and take an assignment?
What do you think?

Thank you everyone in advance

1 gillning

Hello @Francesco and thanks for your question! I do not know that much about your particular field and its dynamics, i’m afraid! But of course it is possible - if a consulting company can find assignments, so can you. Basically you are competing for the same assignments! Freelancers and consulting companies apply both to the assignments that are published. In my list, there are a few listed as “industri”, start with them: Lista På Konsultmäklare i Sverige | By Anna Leijon
follow my guide:: Frilansarguiden - Hur du blir frilansare | By Anna Leijon and see if the market has something for you, basically. It is no use in guessing here and now. Just follow the steps, create your CV and send it out. Test the market. and see for yourself! Best of luck :slight_smile:

Dear Francesco
Did you do that? It is my same question. Thanks for your information and experiences you will share.

1 gillning